
Monday, January 19, 2009

Weather Changes Everything

I grew up in an area of Northern California where the worst weather was a cold, hard rain storm of three days. Sure it would dampen plans of going outside and playing with my friends for hours on end but I would never find myself feeling confined to my house. Snow blizzards and ice are a much different animal. Feeling stuck indoors (and in my head) is quite a new experience for me living on the east coast where they have "real" winters. I find that it not only forces me to change my plans for the day, but teaches me to stock the refrigerator in advance. I don't get to be the spontaneous me I used to be in California. I simply don't have that luxury anymore. It's changing my attitude. I'm becoming less bubbly. I'm becoming more moody; a bit temperamental. A real bitch.

What to do? Well, I've taken up blogging, knitting, reading, cooking and watching rented movies. But what happens when I simply just crave warm sunlight? I recently took a quick business trip out to LA and was able to get my "sun fix" but found returning to the east coast far more depressing than I'd ever imagined. What a tease!

And so I find myself at a loss. There must be something out there I've yet to try: a mobile sun bubble I could ride in to and from work. Perhaps I'm just not made for this sort of cold and I should waddle my four layers of coats and jackets back to wherest I came. I truly hope Spring is just around the corner.

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